Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

- Oral Medicine and Radiology
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics
- Prosthodontics And Crown And Bridge And Implantology
- Periodontics & Oral Implantology
- Oral Pathology and Microbiology
- Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
- Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
- Public Health Dentistry

“Our hands are made for holding scalpels and eyes for wearing surgical telescopes.”
To foster the development of dentists who will bring profound integrity and ethical character to very endeavour, while demonstrating the highest quality of clinical knowledge and expertise. The students should achieve academic excellence, provide the best oral health care and engage in research, scholarship and creative endeavours to improve the health of the highly diverse rural population of India.
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is a branch that deals with the art of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, pathologies and defects involving the oro-facial region. This specialty has evolved through the ages and presently the oral & maxillofacial surgeon deals with the various craniofacial pathologies, maxillofacial trauma, head & neck cancer and facial aesthetic surgeries.
The section of oral & maxillofacial surgery has a varied scope. The under graduate program deals with extraction of teeth and the complications arising and the subsequent management, along with the management of medical emergencies on the dental chair. The post graduate program beginning with complicated extraction goes on to involve outpatient department cases as well as patients in the wards and operation theatres. Along with this various research projects to train the students in research methodology are allotted to the students.
- The goal of the oral & maxillofacial surgery program is to provide a basic and advanced education in oral & maxillofacial surgery thus helping a student to be able to deal with the various pathologies of the teeth, face and the jawbones.
- To transform the nature of dental education and practice in ways that will dramatically improve the way we serve our students, our patients and the surrounding community.
Undergraduate Education in oral & maxillofacial surgery:
This program involves lectures, seminars, clinical experiences and clinical teaching in the last two years of the four year dental curriculum. Students are exposed to a wide variety of orofacial pathologies and all students get an extensive knowledge of asepsis in clinical practice along with clinical experience in extractions and observation and assistance in minor 8 major surgical procedures.
Post graduate residency Program in oral & maxillofacial surgery
The goal of the oral & maxillofacial surgery residency program is to provide advanced education in oral & maxillofacial surgery to highly qualified graduate dentists who are interested in a career of specialized practice, teaching and research.
The program requires a minimum of three academic year for completion. A high level of advanced clinical skills and completion of a curriculum broadly representative of basic and applied science is required. Original research and a dissertation in any of a number of related fields are required and maybe undertaken on problems relevant to oral & maxillofacial surgery. The principles of scientific research design and evaluation are emphasized.
The program devotes a considerable portion of time to the advanced basic sciences courses and the allied faculties specially organized to serve as pre requisite to the thorough understanding of the clinical problems in oral & maxillofacial surgery. In the clinical area the student is exposed to different therapeutic philosophies both old and new through independent study, demonstrations and practice.
A series of seminars, case discussions & journal clubs are held every week for the all-round skill improvement of the students. A student is encouraged to discuss his/her interests and needs and an effort are made to tailor the program to meet such needs
We are proud of our faculty. Our highly experienced professors with more than 20 years of experience.

PROFESSOR & HEAD Department of oral & maxillofacial surgery

PROFESSOR Department of oral & maxillofacial surgery